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Compare Plan Types

JT Medicare Solutions will help you understand and choose all the Medicare plans available to you. Here you will find a few sample plans so you understand that paying more doesn't always mean you will get better services. 

Remember: The plan you choose needs to fit you.

Supplements (Medigap) or Medicare Advantage
Which is right for you?


Medicare Advantage

  • May be restricted to network

  • May need referrals for specialists

  • May include extra benefits

  • (vision, hearing, fitness)

  • Only emergency services outside service area

  • Generally lower premiums but has co-pays

Supplements (Medigap)

  • Freedom to choose doctors

  • No referrals necessary

  • Some routine services not covered
    (vision & hearing)

  • Covered anywhere in the U.S.area

  • Higher premiums but no co-pays

Feel free to reach out with any questions.
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