About Us
There are never any charges from JT Medicare Solutions.
The insurance companies pay us regardless of which Medicare plan you choose.
That is why we are only interested in finding the right plan for you.

Our Goal
Our goal is to help you get the MEDICARE plan that works best for you, your budget, and your healthcare needs. You have many choices when selecting a Medicare Plan. Our job, is to help you find the Medicare Plan that fits your healthcare needs. We will walk you through this process from beginning to end. Starting with educating you about how Medicare works, to selecting a plan that works for you! We are here for you to:
Research all of the options
Complete all paperwork
Submit all documents for the plan you choose

Who Are We?
Thomas Dillon
Tom has had his insurance license since 1985. As Tom became more specialized within Medicare, he realized Medicare is a moving target for one of the most trusting groups of individuals (Seniors). Medicare is always changing and is difficult to understand. For the last 10 years, Tom has dedicated his efforts to help seniors make informed decisions (with annual reviews) to choose the right Medicare plan for them. Tom studies Medicare Supplements and Advantage plans year round. This allows him to recommend plans that will protect your assets and allow you to continue to obtain the medical care you deserve.
"It’s a great way for us to help people who need it most and at no cost to them. It’s a win-win situation."

How We Do It
We are with you throughout the entire process by:
Listening to your concerns and needs to choose the right Medicare plan.
Analyzing the different plans for you and your needs.
Explaining the differences between plans, emphasizing the pros and cons for each one.
Guiding you through the process to choose the right plan for you.
Promising to provide you with the services you need to get the healthcare plan you deserve and can afford.

Why We Do It
Planning for MEDICARE services can be difficult and sometimes even scary.
We are here to provide a GREAT service and ease the process to choose the right plan for you.
We do this because it shouldn't be this hard!